'Yeah just switch the disks' - Linux is clever, it will work it out. #FAIL
Dual boot with Ubuntu 11.10 & BackTrack (Ubuntu). Both failed to connect to the network and had created eth1 & wlan1 interfaces.
Google took me to http://www.orzeszek.org/blog/2010/07/25/fix-missing-eth0-when-cloning-ubuntu-vmware-virtual-machines/
Its discussing the same problem, but in a virtual environment. The conclusion is the same in that the MAC address has changed and Ubuntu stores this as a reference in :
/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rulesDelete the file, reboot, problem fixed.
http://dawnedlife.blogspot.in/2012/11/wireless-lan-problems-with-sta-broadcom.html ... no offence , just helping , dont take it wrong :)