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Friday, 22 July 2011

Adding CoolIris embed to PhpBB

 Under the 'posting' section in the ACP.

Create a new BBCode :

BBCode :

HTML replacement :

<script type="text/javascript"         src="">
  <div id="wall{INTTEXT}{IDENTIFIER2}">    <script>
        var flashvars = {
            feed: encodeURIComponent("api://{INTTEXT}&album={IDENTIFIER2}")
        var params = {
             allowFullScreen: "true",
             allowscriptaccess: "always"
            "wall{INTTEXT}{IDENTIFIER2}", "600", "450", "9.0.0", "",
            flashvars, params);

NB// This JS code is from  I made two changes from the original blog post.  '#' dropped and {SIMPLETEXT} added to the BBCode.

Assuming it saves OK you can now test this by manually adding a URL between the [cooliris][/cooliris] tags.  If it all works OK you can go back to the code edit and enable the 'Display on posting page' and add a little help text.

Adding Web Picasa Slide show to PhpBB

Under the 'posting' section in the ACP.

Create a new BBCode :

BBCode :

HTML replacement :

<script type="text/javascript"
<div id="piks{INTTEXT}{IDENTIFIER2}"> <script>
var flashvars = {
feed: "{INTTEXT}%2Falbum%2F{IDENTIFIER2}%3Falt%3Drss%26kind%3Dphoto%26hl%3Den_US",
RGB: "0x000000"
var params = {
pluginspage: "",
allowscriptaccess: "always"
"piks{INTTEXT}{IDENTIFIER2}", "600", "450", "9.0.0", "",
flashvars, params);

NB// This JS code is from  I made two changes from the original blog post.  '#' dropped and {SIMPLETEXT} added to the BBCode.

Assuming it saves OK you can now test this by manually adding a URL between the [picasa][/picasa] tags.  If it all works OK you can go back to the code edit and enable the 'Display on posting page' and add a little help text.

Adding YouTube embed to PhpBB

Under the 'posting' section in the ACP.

Create a new BBCode :

BBCode :

HTML replacement :
<iframe width="425" height="349" src="http://{SIMPLETEXT1}{SIMPLETEXT2}?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Assuming it saves OK you can now test this by manually adding a URL between the [youtube][/youtube] tags.  If it all works OK you can go back to the code edit and enable the 'Display on posting page' and add a little help text.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.2 running on Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) under WINE

In my other blog post I talk about the display\graphic problems using the native debian/ubuntu IBM Domino client.

Seeing as I also use the admin client, and occasional designer I thought I'd have a crack at installing under Wine v 1.2.2.

I'm going to blog this exactly as it happened, theres a point in which the gremlins get in and make something do something which is good (ish) but I'm not exactly sure when and what. I'll be sure to point that bit out.

Once Wine is installed use the Wine utils to run setup.exe. All appears well until about 90% on the install bar when you then receive a notes.ini error. I suspect the install procedure can't write it and so barfs.

I cancelled the error and then the install (had to use force quit). This actually left the Domino application files in .wine/drive_c/Program Files/IBM/Lotus/Notes (or your chosen path).

For all Dominos bad points its portability across systems and OS is a massive plus. So wondering if I could cheat I copied a notes.ini (paths were the same), names.nsf, bookmarks.nsf from my Windows install, right click notes.exe and open with Wine. Close, splash screen and the status bar just kept getting 100% and then starting again.

At this time Wine started to also play up, very slow to launch, like minutes. No config etc. I pushed through and tried to install Domino over the top of the existing install, you have a good .ini so use it. This seemed to fail, again couldn't launch.

So I slept on it and wondered about the Wine slow problems.

This morning a quick google and I ran :

wineboot --update

Bingo, Domino icons appeared on the desktop and applications menu. Excitement +1
Launched the app, password, desktop. +2

Opened an email -5
Opened a db -5

Exactly the same display problems as when I run the native Linux client. Certainly seems to point more to a graphics issue now though .. But on the plus side I got to play with Wine which is a new app for me, office 2010 and a h.323 client might be next !

So the gremlins. My hunch is that after the first Domino install I started to have Wine problems (hic). The second Domino install when there was a working notes.ini probable worked and had I run --update it would have got me to a working(ish) install.

If I were to do it again create the full domino path and plonk a good notes.ini in there prior to installing. If I get time/motivation I'll test this theory out. Please comment if you do ..

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.2 Linux client on Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal)

I've set myself the task of switching my desktop OS from Windows 7 to Ubuntu. No particular reason other than the challenge it sets.

Something thats not working great, when I say great I mean at all is the IBM Lotus Notes client. Having eventually found the Ubuntu download. No small effort when confronted with the IBM download site. led me to a post with the part number - CZIF5EN. Which a search on the passport site found.

Install went pretty seamlessly. Extract the .tar and run the install which launched software centre. Ran through the regular first time client setup, server name, id file etc and launched the client - IT WORKS !

Amazing, I was expecting a fight. Open inbox, open message, oh .. some serious display issues. Not so much artefacts but empty tabs and big grey boxes.

I suspect its graphics related but so far Domino is the only application to exhibit any issues. I plan on opening a TAC with IBM.

UPDATE 15/7/2011 - IBM have confirmed that support for the native client is currently restricted to Ubuntu 8 - Desktop

Saturday, 9 July 2011

First play with Amazon Web Services

and I'm impressed, very impressed.

Created an S3 (storage) bucket and copied part of my personal website content. Click the enable website option, set the permission 'everyone' and list. It shows the URL the buckets available at and your done, files are available to browse, or in my case link to. All very easy.

I used Gladinet Cloud Desktop to move files back and forth. Throw your user details at it and it creates a drive mapping (Windows) straight to your S3 buckets.

As something else to try I also created an EC2 (server) instance (Linux, free) which was also painless. During the instance setup you have the opportunity to create an key pair which you then use with an SSH client to connect to the public interface, a DNS entry created on the fly by AWS. Its a Linux server with all the normal Linux functions you'd expect.